Wexford Arts Centre, 17 September – 12 October 2018
The earth rotates on its axis at 1600km per hour and revolves around the Sun at a speed of about 30 km per second. All the time, our atoms vibrate, our blood flows, there is growth and transience. Yet when we are still, we do not feel this motion. Through a monumental spatial drawing and a collaborative video work with dance artist Liadain Herriott, this work reflects on our relationship with time, repetition and motion…the experience of being human on this earth, moving through the measures of time.
Exhibition Publication HERE.

Metamurmuration, 2015-2018, felt and microfilament, dimensions variable. Photo: Laurence O’Toole

Metamurmuration, 2015-2018, felt and microfilament, dimensions variable. Photo: Laurence O’Toole

Metamurmuration, 2015-2018, felt and microfilament, dimensions variable. Photo: Laurence O’Toole

Metamurmuration, 2015-2018, felt and microfilament, dimensions variable. Photo: Laurence O’Toole

Metamurmuration, 2015-2018, felt and microfilament, dimensions variable. Photo: Nathan Somers

Metamurmuration, 2015-2018, felt and microfilament, dimensions variable. Photo: Nathan Somers

Skimming Stones, a collaboration between Joanna Kidney and Liadain Herriott, 2015-2016, HD video, Production Still. Image credit: Lanka Perren

Skimming Stones, a collaboration between Joanna Kidney and Liadain Herriott, 2015-2016, HD video, Production Still. Image credit: Lanka Perren