2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 |2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017

SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER: Odd Nature, Place|Lab Collective Exhibition, Santa Fe Community College Fine Arts Gallery, New Mexico, USA- participating artists: Gary Barton, Claudine Bigelow, Nuala Clarke, Karina Hean, Joanna Kidney, Melanie Mowinski, Joe Ostraff, Melinda Ostraff, Linda Reynolds, Michelle Rowley, Jen Watson, Sally Weaver. 13 Sept–10 Oct


AUGUST: Place|Lab Collective Residency, Kiðjaberg, Iceland, 17–24 August

JULY-SEPTEMBER: Kilruddery House and Gardens Artist in Residence, Co. Wicklow, Ireland,


JUNE: Presented and taught at the 13th International Encaustic Conference, Cape Cod, MA, USA. 31 May–2 June. Demonstration and course title: Drawing within painting- expand your vocabulary with the possibilities of line and mark.



APRIL: The Messy Studio Podcast: Interviewed with Nuala Clarke by Rebecca Crowell in Episode 68 of ‘The Messy Studio’ podcast. April 18th

APRIL: Ballinglen Arts Foundation Fellowship Residency, Co. Mayo, Ireland, April 2–30


MARCH: Concerning the Other, Group Exhibition, The Basement Gallery, An Táin Arts Centre, Dundalk, 2 March–6 April.
A collaborative project curated by Olivier Cornet, Claire Halpin and Eoin McLoughlin. Participating artists: Brian Fay, Claire Halpin, Jam7aes Hanley RHA, Joanna Kidney, Eoin Mac Lochlainn, Miriam McConnon, Kate Murphy, Ben Readman, Gail Ritchie and Susanne Wawra.
