DECEMBER: Arrival Group Exhibition, dlr Open Exhibition, Municipal Gallery, dlr Lexicon, Dublin, Ireland. Selected by Gemma Tipton. 7 December 2017–21 January 2018

SEPTEMBER: Concerning the Other, Group Exhibition, Olivier Cornet Gallery, Dublin, 10 September- 6 October.
A collaborative project curated by Olivier Cornet, Claire Halpin and Eoin Mac Lochlainn. Participating artists: Brian Fay, Claire Halpin, James Hanley RHA, Joanna Kidney, Eoin Mac Lochlainn, Miriam McConnon, Kate Murphy, Ben Readman, Gail Ritchie and Susanne Wawra.

SEPTEMBER: Arts Council of Ireland Visual Artists Workspace Scheme Award with Outpost Studios,

MAY-AUGUST: 187th RHA Annual Exhibition, Royal Hibernian Academy, Dublin, 23 May–12 August.

APRIL: Arts Council of Ireland Travel and Training Award.
To attend the 11th International Encaustic Conference, MA, USA.

JANUARY: We are hurtling into the future, Solo Exhibition, Galway Arts Centre, Ireland,
9 December 2016–14 January 2017. Catalogue launch and Artists Gallery Talk, 14 January.